
The Universal Experiences of Preachers

If C.S. Lewis is right, all preachers should share a connection as servants of the Word. For it was Lewis who expressed the nature of friendship when he said something like this, “Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’” This is the heartening moment of discovering that you’re not on your own. And preachers have more than a few shared experiences. As someone privileged to serve in pulpit ministry for twenty years now, I’ve had countless conversations with colleagues at church meetings, conferences, and social...

The Timothy Trust in Vancouver (April 22-24)

The Timothy Trust is thrilled to be part of The Gospel Coalition’s upcoming national conference in Vancouver and we wanted to tell you a little about the ministry and the pre-conference event itself. Who is The Timothy Trust? The Timothy Trust exists to equip expository Bible preachers and teachers for the revitalization of the Canadian Church. Expository preaching and teaching happens when the meaning of the message preached is the meaning of the passage preached. It’s preaching, as Dick Lucas has put it, “that takes the text seriously.”[1] Our core conviction is that God works powerfully through his living Word (2 Tim...

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