
We Are Resident Aliens

Christians sometimes debate politics. Some reason that if a nation has a majority of Christians, then we might speak of a Christian Nation with particular Christian laws and habits. Others hope for a new political order ushered in by Christ on earth that revives the laws of the old covenant for today. Given the landscape of these debates, I wonder why few discussions highlight Peter’s political theology as expressed in 1 Peter? There, he provides not only political categories to identify us as Christians but also specific ways in which we act out this identity politically, economically, and socially as...

Six Responsibilities for the Elders of Every Church

For 28 years, I had the privilege of serving with a group of godly elders. A strong bond in Christ was forged with each of them as we partnered in the gospel together. I recall that about 3 years into my ministry I was asking, ‘What are elders called to do? What should be on our agenda when we meet?’ I’ve learned many churches ask the same questions. At that point our elders dug into Scripture to have a better understanding of our calling. I found our meetings were often inundated with agenda items that seemed to be more operational...

Into Theology 81: Relations in God (ST I.Q28)

In this episode, Wyatt and Ian stumble along trying to keep up with Thomas Aquinas as he explains how the Father, Son, and Spirit relate to one another while remaining the one God of Israel. The Bible tells us that the Father is the Father of the Son, and the Son of the Father. So they are distinct yet both remain the one God. How can we talk about this? Thomas summarizes the theological explanation of this reality through his discussion on relations in God. The key is that the word “generation” refers to the procession of the Son, while...

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